About Friends of the Wyckoff Library


The Friends of the Wyckoff Library were founded in 1971 and are an important link to the community. The Friends sponsor programs for adults and children several times each year, sponsor the popular “Museum Pass Program”, run the “Wyckoff Readers” book group, run the “used book” sale and plans and sponsor a holiday concert in December. As a special service to the senior community, they also deliver large-print books to a local nursing home each month. In addition, the Friends plan and sponsor a very special “Appreciation Lunch” to all staff members during National Library Week. You do not have to be a member of the Friends to participate in the programs. Membership in the Friends is open to anyone who is interested in joining.  The Friends send out an annual Membership Drive letter to all Wyckoff residents in the fall.

As you can see, the Friends are a busy group and are always looking for new volunteers to help out.   Our board meetings are open to the public and we welcome anyone who is interested to join us!

The Friends of the Wyckoff Library Board of Directors meet 4-5 times per year.

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Questions or comments? Contact Susan Litt (president) at susanlitt2002@aol.com

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